Sunday, December 26, 2021

National Weather Service Office In Sacramento Needn't Have Apologized For Donner Pass Tweet

As this graphic from Fox Weather shows, TONS of snow are
in the forecast for California's Sierra Nevada range.
The National Weather Service office in Sacramento tweeted
 a Donner Party joke about the situation, but needn't
have apologized. 
 It's been snowing like crazy the last few days in California's Sierra Nevada mountains. Plenty more is on the way. 


Great for skiers, great for putting a dent in California's drought, what's not to love?

Well, Christmas week travel through those mountains could get tricky. So the National Weather Service office in Sacramento, California decided to warn people by posting this tweet:

The Donner Party, of course, were 81 people who became stranded in the Sierra Nevada in the winter of 1846-47 and resorted to cannibalism to stay alive as much of the party died of cold and starvation. 

NWS Sacramento soon followed up with a mea culpa:

"We apologize for the reference on this post which was insensitive. The main message for the upcoming week is that multiple rounds of heavy mountain snow will make for difficult holiday travel. Please stay up to date on the latest forecast and alter travel as necessary."

OK, sure they went back to being serious scientists, but the apology was totally unnecessary.   The original Donner Party tweet was funny, and effectively captured the public's attention about the dangerous travel far more than a dry just the facts ma'am statement would have. 

Lots of people on Twitter agree.

Some comments on Twitter: 

"This is what happens when the tweet boss takes the week off for Christmas, or perhaps when tweets are created at the office Christmas Party," said @RealGaryMcMahon.

Here's a tweet that I know speaks the truth: "I for one appreciate the dark humor. Few people realize that meteorologists as a whole are replete with dark humor but pass it on with too much subtlety to be notied by most. Just look at any long range forecast, said @gregladen. 

The @NWSSacramento Donner post also inspired lots of inappropriate, but hysterically funny responses.  

Such as:

"NWS Sacramento, please share your Donner Party recipes," said @HendersonBio.

Which inspired this list of possible Donner meals from @Chris_racCoons

"Roast Keith, Baked Petey, Honey baked Pam, spaghetti and meat Pauls, Brick oven Lisa"

Which prompts me to ask whether any of these go well with fava beans and a nice chianti.

Well, maybe not. 

In any event, enjoy the snow, Sierra Nevada residents. I just hope you stocked up on supplies! 



Ooh, I started a list: Roast Keith Baked Petey Honey baked Pam Spaghetti and meat Pauls Brick oven Lisa

Replying to
"Donner, party of six?... no five.... no four..."

Replying to
People. The other other white meat.

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