Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Distant Hurricane Crashes Waves Into Hawaii

  This caught my attention a week or two  ago, but it's still worth highlighting, because of how dramatic this was.   

Wedding guests flee large waves last month hitting 
a reception in Kona, Hawaii. 

Huge waves blasted into parts of Hawaii a week ago, roaring over the tops of buildings, crashing a wedding reception and leaving damage in their wake. 

The waves had their origins thousands of miles away. It's winter in the southern hemisphere, and that means huge winter storms. A particularly strong storm in the South Pacific sent the huge swells toward Hawaii, notes NBC News

Hurricane Darby was also passing south of Hawaii during all this, but that had little additional impact on the waves, the National Weather Service office in Honolulu.  Both the waves were the highest the islands have seen in decades. 

A so far small additional factor was climate change. Sea levels have risen, so waves can crash a bit further inland than they did decades ago. Of course, this will become a bigger and bigger problem as sea levels continue to rise. 

In the end, the damage wasn't that bad, nobody got hurt and the wedding carried on, if a bit wetter than originally planned. Videos:

Waves crash over the roofs of two-story seaside condosClick on this link to view, or click on the image below: 

And here's the viral video of the literal, wet wedding crasher in Hawaii. Again, click on this link if you don't see an image, below, or if you do see it, click on it. 

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