Saturday, November 20, 2021

Thanksgiving Travel: Lucky Break Coast To Coast

 Quick update

Wild turkeys gather in my St. Albans, Vermont yard several
winters ago.  Maybe thought it was a refuge from becoming
holiday meals?  Speaking of refuge, it looks like holiday 
travel across the nation will be much better than originally
After some fairly dire computer models that suggested lots of storminess in the United States during holiday travel for Thanksgiving next week, everything is now turning up roses.  

It now appears there will be no major weather in anywhere in the Lower 48, at least. 

The only problems I could find was some non-flooding rains in the Pacific Northwest, early week chill in New England, and the usual patchy snow in the Rocky Mountains. 

That's a huge contrast to some forecasts from a week ago, which suggested a large storm in the Great Lakes and East.  

There will be a large storm, but it will be several hundred miles off the New England coast and no bother to us. 

By the time Black Friday rolls around, it does look like it will get nippy in the upper Midwest and there will probably be lake effect snows around the Great Lakes. 

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