Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Forecasts More Squirrely Than Usual; Post-Thanksgiving Storm Forecast Out The Window

We've had some snow on the ground for a week now
in St. Albans, Vermont, but seasonable temperatures will
probably thaw most of the remainder away, for now. 
Meanwhile, forecasts for after thanksgiving keep changing. 
 I unintentionally lied to you yesterday. 

I waxed poetic in yesterday's post about a potential fairly big storm Friday and/or Saturday with the risk of a fair amount of rain, wind and maybe some snow. 

So much for that idea. 

All the forecasts shifted since yesterday, so now the predictions for what's going to happen late week are all different. And, frankly, I don't trust those forecasts yet, either. 

I'm still confident on the weather today through Thanksgiving Day.

Aside from the risk of a few snow showers overnight tonight, it'll be dry with average temperatures through Thanksgiving. That means highs in the upper 30s to low 40s, lows in the 20s. Really not bad for this time of year. 

Beyond that, the computer models have been really having a hard time, which makes real life meteorologists pull out their hair. 

At this point, instead of a big system coming up the coast, we'll just get a cold front with some light rain and a little wind Friday, no big deal. It might end as a little snow Friday night, but again, meh.

Then, supposedly, another storm comes along Sunday that will bring more mostly rain, but again, not an epic storm

Like I said, I'm not entirely trusting this forecast as it stands now, so stay tuned for more changes. On the very bright side, we don't have to worry nearly as much about post Thanksgiving travel trouble. I think. 

There are always shifts in forecast in the days before any storm, but this time, the shifts have been enormous. I'm not sure why. 

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