Monday, July 15, 2024

Quick Monday Morning Update, Surprise Showers, Heat And A Storm/Downpour Risk

 Guess what? more rain. 

When your short on traffic cones because there are so
many damaged roads in Vermont, you use what you
 can. This goofy deer toy alerts people that 
part of this stretch of Texas Hill Road between
Hinesburg and Huntington, Vermont is washed out. 
More locally torrential storms are possible today
and tomorrow, leading to the risk of isolated, local
incidents of additional flash flooding. 

It can't seem to stop raining in northern Vermont, at least not yet.

A somewhat unexpected batch of showers moved through most of the northern half of the state today. They were far, far too light to cause any further flood damage, but it was just another example of how the rain keeps coming lately. 

Unlike last summer, the wet weather will end, as a big pattern change is coming. But it will take a few days.

More on that in a moment.

Right now, we're on the northern edge of another heat dome, this one bringing record heat to parts of the East Coast. 

Since we're on the edges of this heat dome, we'll be plenty hot and humid, but the door is also wide open for weather disturbances to scoot through.

So it is today. And tomorrow. It's always a little hard to tease out exactly when and where thunderstorms will fire up, and how many will get going. But suffice it to say, we have a decent chance of more torrential storms today. But they'll be hit and miss. 

Before I go on, I'll emphasis we're NOT in for another round of widespread flash flooding like we were last week. If we have any new trouble, it will be widely scattered. The only reason why there's any worry at all is that things are so wet and unstable in the ground from last week that a local torrential thunderstorm could cause new trouble. 

 Since yesterday forecasters have slightly upped the chances of strong thunderstorms and locally torrential downpours today and tomorrow. 


Today's storms, as usual, will be hit and miss. A weather disturbance bumping into the hot, humid air over us is enough to trigger some afternoon and evening activity. 

There could be a storm or two with damaging wind gusts thrown into the mix. The best chance of that happening is south and west of Interstate 89, but even there, the risk of severe weather is on the low side. 

The somewhat bigger threat this afternoon and tonight is the torrential downpours. Those will be isolated incidents, too. But they could happen anywhere in Vermont.  But NOAA's Weather Prediction Center puts the chance of very isolated flash flooding in the Green Mountain State from about Route 2 north. 


Another weather disturbance, once again plowing into our to, humid air will bring another chance of torrential storms, a few of which could be severe. There could be isolated damaging winds anywhere in Vermont, with this morning's forecasts giving the best chance to far northwestern Vermont and on into New York.

In fact, NOAA's Storm Prediction Center gives a very, very low, but not zero chance of a brief spinup twister once again, this time from the Champlain Valley westward into New York. I wouldn't hold my breath on that one, but it's still there. 

Any storm that does get going could have torrential rains Tuesday and Tuesday night. You know the drill by now. Isolated instances of flash flooding could crop up again. Depending on how persistent and heavy any storms get.

With or without storms, both today and tomorrow will be oppressively hot and humid.  I'll need to repeat my warning here to not overdo it with flood cleanup.  These are conditions that can cause heat stroke if you're physically working too hard outdoors. 


At least a temporary weather pattern change will help us in Vermont a great deal. The beginning of it will be marked by a cold front Wednesday.  More showers and storms will form with it, but so far, nothing wild is expected. Stay tuned.

For a few days starting Thursday, we'll be in more of a northwest flow.  That means mostly dry, seasonable weather with low humidity and much more comfortable sleeping nights. 

We'll get a couple more cold fronts through early next week. But they'll be weak as they come in from the north and won't have much moisture to work with. The days will still be mostly warm - in the low 80s, since the air coming from Canada is pretty toasty by their standards. 

I'm not sure how long the dry break in the weather will last, but however long it does linger, we'll definitely enjoy it! 

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