Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Vermont 1 p.m Wednesday Update: Severe Storm Watch Likely Southern Vermont, Storms Developing

Skies over St. Albans darkening as of 12:45 p.m today
as thunderstorms approach. A few more places in
Vermont today will lose some trees, branches and
power lines, and there might be isolated instances'
of flash flooding. Today is the last day of 
potentially damaging storms for awhile. 
 As expected thunderstorms were rapidly developing in eastern New York State as of 12:30 today, and some of those will carry the risk of damaging wind gusts in southern and possibly eastern Vermont this afternoon.  

NOAA's Storm Prediction Center says they'll likely issue a severe thunderstorm watch for much of western New England and eastern New York, and that would probably include southern Vermont. 

A batch of non-severe but growing storms was entering the northwest corner of Vermont as of 12:30 p.m. It was starting to thunder in St. Albans, Vermont at 12:45 p.m. 

Some of those might intensify into stronger cells in the next few hours. But damage from these, if it occurs, will probably be fairly isolated.

Those northern storms will be carrying torrential downpours, and could set off isolated spots of flash flooding, given how wet the soil is. 

The storms developing in the Albany, New York Capitol District area look meaner than the ones further north. Those should enter Bennington and Rutland counties within the next couple hours and continue across southern Vermont into New Hampshire.

A severe thunderstorm warning was already in effect for far western Bennington County as of 1 p.m. 

Those will ones to definitely look out for.  Some of them almost certainly will contain strong gusty winds and torrential downpours. Not all towns in southern Vermont will have severe storms, but a few places might lose some trees or power lines. 

Pay attention to the weather and possible warnings all afternoon. I'd abandon plans for boating on Lake Champlain for the day.  

This won't be a super widespread event, but we will have spots of trouble in Vermont this afternoon and early evening. 

The great news is we expect no more storminess or dangerous weather after today at least through Monday and quite possibly beyond that. 

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