Sunday, July 21, 2024

See The Cold Front Flush Out The Haze/Smoke Briefly In Vermont

Satellite view from this morning. Click on it to make
it bigger and easier to see. That band of clouds
across central Vermont, and northern New York 
and New Hampshire is a weakening cold
front that is flushing out the hazy air you
see in southern Vermont in favor of cooler,
drier, clearer air from Quebec.
 The visible satellite photo this Sunday morning tells you all you need to know about the kind of day we'll have today. Spoil: Nice.  

The photo,  (click on it to make it bigger and easier to see)   you see in this post pretty clearly shows the weak cold front as a band of clouds over central Vermont.  

The photo was taken around 8 a.m. today.  It's kind of a fascinating satellite pic from the perspective of a weather geek like me. 

That front had a bit more oomph to it when it crossed from Quebec into Vermont. A few places north of Route 2 had up to a quarter inch of rain. Not much, but more than many forecasts. Other places got just a few raindrops.

The cold front is weakening as it moves southward, and so the showers are breaking up fast, and it probably won't rain at all in central and southern Vermont. The clouds along it should break up, too. 

 Notice the milky quality to the air just south of the front. You might have also noticed is was slightly hazy Saturday afternoon. That was a bit of wildfire smoke in the atmosphere from blazes in the western United States and Canada.

The smoke is more concentrated just ahead of the front and the clouds. That's because the cold front it acting a bit like a snow plow, pushing the smoke out like that plow driver clearing the road in front of your house after a January six-incher. 

Another spoiler: Snow is not in the forecast, but you knew that. 

Also take a look at the air north of the front in the satellite photo, above Route 2 and up in Canada. That's much fresher, drier almost smoke-free air that we'll enjoy today.  Bright blue skies will spread quickly south across Vermont this morning and afternoon. 

We'll also probably have the "coldest" afternoon since July 1, with highs staying in the 70s, except low 80s in warmer valleys south. These temperatures of course, are only slightly below normal for the season. 

It makes for a total Chamber of Commerce kind of weather day in the Green Mountain State. This is the kind air that really makes the Green Mountains look, well, green. 

After an absolutely delightful sleeping night tonight, the humid, warm, wet air we've been dealing with all summer will start to flood back in. In the photo, you see the slightly hazy, humid air with clusters of showers and storms further down the East Coast. 

That's the air that's coming back this coming week, as our friendly weak Sunday cold front comes back north at us as a less friendly muggy warm front around Tuesday. 

We'll eke out a nice, dry, sunny, warm day Monday before the humidity and showers return for the rest of the week.

Enjoy it while you can.

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