Sunday, July 14, 2024

Quick Sunday Morning Vermont Update: No Rain For Once!

In case you need a break from flood destruction pics,
let's do a peaceful garden scene shown Saturday
evening in St. Albans, Vermont. 
 As we often do, we take Sunday morning to look at Vermont's upcoming weather week.

Let's just hope it's not as, um.... exciting as last week. No more pain, no more worry, no more destruction is the goal here. 

Whatever happens, it looks like we will continue to have some weather challenges through the week.  But there's a light at the end of the tunnel that is not an oncoming train.   

First, a recap of yesterday and last night: 

Yesterday's scattered thunderstorms luckily did not cause too much trouble. The most intense one was in Middlebury, where the underpass on Seymour Street was badly flooded. A car got stuck in the flood, but the occupants escaped safely.

Today, we don't have any little disturbances to trigger showers or storms. There might be an isolated brief storm here or there. But if we do see any, they should be very few and far between. I was surprised to see a tiny, lonely little downpour early this morning in far northern New York, halfway between Plattsburgh and Massena. 

Weird things like that happen in the summer, I guess. 

The hot weather rolls on. Lebanon, New Hampshire, just over the border from White River Junction, managed their eight consecutive 90 degree day Saturday, despite a late afternoon thundershower that arrived to cool things down a bit. 


Today, Lebanon they should break their record for most consecutive 90 degree days, as they'll probably make it to 90 for the ninth day in a row. 

Over in Burlington, they might score their tenth 90 of the year today. If not, there's a decent chance it could make it to 90 tomorrow and/or Tuesday. Most of us will be in the 80s.  It will be kind of humid, too, so watch it.  Flood cleanup continues, and I still worry about people overheating. 

Also, you might remember awhile back on July 6  how happy I was with the clean air this summer, compared to the smoky summers in recent years.

As expected, those days are over, as more and more fires break out in the West and in Canada. We'll see wildfire smoke aloft today which will make the air look hazy. Luckily, there won't be too much near the surface, so no air pollution alerts.  

The humidity briefly diminished slightly overnight, giving us in the Champlain Valley the "coldest" night since July 3. Burlington bottomed out at 66 degrees, which is still a little warmer and stickier than average.


Another hot one. Humid too. And probably hazy. On and on it goes.

In addition to the heat, we'll have to watch thunderstorms again, starting tomorrow. Monday's storms will be  pretty hit and miss and scattered, like they were Saturday. Still, there might be locally heavy downpours. 

Tuesday looks to be a somewhat rough day. That's when the heat and humidity will peak. And we'll have a decent chance of more storms. It's beginning to look like some of those storms could be strong. And a few could dump enough torrents to cause a little more local flash flooding, as if we needed it. 

National Weather Service meteorologists think the forward motion of the storms will be pretty quick, which is great because it won't pour over one spot for that long. That would minimize flooding risk.

On the other hand, there's a risk that some of Tuesday's storms will "train" again. Those awful boxcars going along the railroad tracks one after the other to dump inches of rain in a narrow band. That's not definite, but something we'll need to watch. 


A wild card.  It still looks like we have our first solid cold front in at least two weeks coming our way.  If it comes through early, we just get some morning showers, and then the air gets more and more refreshing as the day goes by.

If the cold front comes through in the afternoon or evening, then it's one more muggy day with the risk of some strong storms.  We'll wait for updated forecasts.


Low humidity! Cooler temperatures. Sunshine! That's the way it's still sort of looking. But I'm still hoping against hope nothing screws up that forecast.  We might have some clouds and light showers Thursday, especially north, but it should be noticeably cooler.

This coolish spell looks brief, but it still looks like it might be comfortable heading into the beginning of next week, with highs in the 75-82 range and lows down in the 50s to around 60 so not bad.

The only iffy piece of this is the question of whether the cold front can push far enough south and east to get out of our hair and not leave rain, clouds and humidity near by. Right now, chances seem to favor sunshine and comfortable temperatures though.  

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