Thursday, February 3, 2022

Blizzard Twitter Thread Hilariously Abuses People In "Alternative Realities"

A Twitter thread set the logic of anti-vaxers and anti-maskers
to last weekend's blizzard in New England
to hilarious effect. 
I spotted a Twitter thread  this past Sunday that perfectly and hilariously used the Blizzard of '22 in New England last weekend as a jumping off point to highlight the absolutely logistic boneheadedness we see in the national "dialogue" over Covid vaxes and masks. 

You've heard all the stupid ways of "thinking" in the examples below, but applying the line of "reasoning" to winter weather just makes it both funny and sad. It also makes it clear how a lot of people don't think at all before opening their mouths.

 James Hamblin (@jameshamblin) started it with this post: 

"So we're supposed to ''prepare for blizzard conditions' just because the scientific establishment and the media say so? And anyone who says it will be sunny and 70 is canceled? All's I' saying is, lots of $ changing hands in snow shovel industry. Do your own meteorology."

The post garnered responses like these:

"I can't breathe with a scarf covering my face. Gloves are for the fearful. Frostbite only affects 1% of total skin surfaces."

Joe Rogan and his misinformation sort of gets a shoutout here: "I never listen to MSM weather. I get my info from Snow Rogan. He drives in blizzards all the time and doesn't even use snow tires. It is a hoax perpetrated by Big tire. Don't be a sheep."

How about the "just take your vitamins and let your immune system protect you" crowd?  Here's a good takedown: "If you exercise, eat well, megadose on vitamin C+D, you won't even need coats, gloves or hats. Your natural immunity to cold will take care of you. Everyone wearing warm clothes are sheep with pre-existing sensitivities to temperature. Do your own research and stick it to big cotton."

Photo of a commie socialist using government overreach
to clean up after a snowstorm. 
Some people get Covid even if they've had the vaccine, cry the anti-vaxers. So how's this? "And some people still freeze to death when they wear a coat! What's the point of wearing one if it's not guaranteed to keep me from dying of hypothermia? Not to mention it's made out of 50% Luciifester. That's how the satanists will control us in the blizzard!  

 Those people on Facebook outsmarted Anthony Fauci with their miracle cures, right?  "My aunt's next door neighbor started drinking this stuff called 'rum.' It doesn't freeze! So if you drink it, you won't freeze!"   

Or: "My neighbor Bob had an accident even after putting on winter tires. Some drivers are already on their 3rd set of tires, which proves their ineffectiveness. We do not know what the tires are made of. The tire manufacturers scare us with winter just to enrich themselves."

And: "I just talked to my sister in Texas...get this. No snow where they are. None. But all these liberal northeast states are screaming about snow? Something doesn't add up."

We can't get through this discussion without bringing up our "rights", um, right? "What about my rights as a parent? I don't want some atheist communist weatherman telling my kid that water freezes at 32 degrees. If I say it's safe to drive it's not their place to contradict me." 

So yeah, we covered pretty much all the talking points that the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers have, but applied the logic to the Blizzard of '22.  

It all seems pretty silly, no?

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