Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Best Explanation Of February And Its Weather Ever

A not so positive review of the month of February by KMOX 
reporter Kevin Killeen recently went viral, but the report
first aired five years ago and recently gained attention.
 Not everyone is into the depths of winter. Some people find it depressing.

Winter isn't my favorite season either , but there's some beauty to it. Some people don't see that. Which is cool, we don't have the right to demand people feel any emotion.  

Here in Vermont, winter is long.  It can be beautiful. Witness the lush powder snow, blue skies and fresh air we had this past Saturday.

Often, though, by February we're Febru-weary. 

Many of us in the Green Mountain State awoke this morning to bits of fog, freezing drizzle and lame snow flurries this morning.  Sure, you can find some appeal in those conditions, too. But it's an uncomfortable, quiet, sometimes mournful beauty. Or, just ugly if you're in that mood. 

The forecast around here  calls for indecisive weather this week, wobbling above and below freezing, with a few sprinkles of rain and snow.  It's characteristic of non-committal  February. Maybe the relative warmth this week suggests spring? Nope! Another cold blast is due by Sunday.

That's no surprise, we're used to it. February is great at slapping us in the face. 

For those of you who are realists about February radio reporter Kevin Killeen of KMOX in St. Louis is your man.

You MUST watch the video at the bottom of this post, which I regard as Pulitzer-worthy.

The video is actually old.  It first aired in February, 2016 on a dreary St. Louis day. But the video recently went viral, for the mysterious reasons viral videos do that. 

Killeen picked a terribly gloomy, foggy early February day to make his case that this month is at least it's straight forward in its depressing demeanor.  

A hazy shade of winter in St. Albans, Vermont Tuesday.
This is probably what Kevin Killeen was talking about
when he described February as not the 
month to put a bounce in your step. 

"February is an honest month. It doesn't hold up life any better than it really is"

Early in his segment, Killeen retrieves what had been a pretty, floral, obnoxiously happy umbrella from a trash can. At least it used to be like that. The umbrella is sad, broken, crushed, much like so many Americans sick of winter. 

The broken, discarded umbrella is a symbol of the cynicism that February brings, "the desperate flinging off of something that isn't true anymore."

He also notes that mankind invented happy February holidays like Valentine's Day and Mardi Gras, but February check-mates that, too. "But then February answered back with another holiday - Ash Wednesday. What other month could host a holiday that's designed to remind us that we're all going to die?"

There's lots more pearls of bleak February wisdom in Killeen's report, below. If you don't see the video on your mobile device, click this hyperlink.  Or, if you see the video image below, click on the red arrow, then the YouTube logo to see it most clearly. 



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