Sunday, June 9, 2024

Trump Rallies In Phoenix, Las Vegas Cause Heat Illness, Worries Amid Record Heat Wave

Photo from ABC15 in Phoenix shows EMS workers 
helping heat illness victims at a Trump rally last week.

The Clark County Fire Department reports 24 heat-related calls to the Trump rally in Las Vegas Sunday.

Six of those calls ended up with people being sent to the hospital. In addition, 97 people used cooling tents as they were overheating, the fire department reported.

Donald Trump is taking some heat, pardon the pun, on comments made during the rally in 100+ degree weather.

I want to hope he didn't mean the following, but who knows? During the rally, he said, in relation to the hot weather: "I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care."


I'm not sure whose idea it was to make people wait in line in the hot sun for a political rally in near record heat Thursday in of all places Phoenix, Arizona.  But that's what they did.  

The result: Plenty of heat related illnesses that sent at least 11 people to the hospital 

Says ABC15:

"Phoenix fire officials tell ABC15 they responded to Dream City Church in north Phoenix and transported 11 people after reports of heat exhaustion.   

Thursday marked the first day the Valley has reached 110 degrees this year.

ABC15 crews were there as several people began to faint and seek medical attention due to the heat."

Trump spoke at an event organized by Turning Point, a conservative MAGA youth organization that has seen its influence rise as Trump has embraced that organization.

It's unclear whether the Trump campaign or Turning Point was responsible for crowd safety at this event.  Whoever organized came under criticism for not providing water and cooling tents for people waiting to enter the event. 

At least the Phoenix rally was held indoors. People waiting in line eventually got indoors into the air conditioning. 

Things might get worse today.  Today, Trump is scheduled to hold an outdoor rally in Las Vegas. The forecast high temperature there today is 104 degrees.  

Thankfully, at least they're doing something.

According to Raw Story, the Trump campaign released this: 

"'The Trump campaign said it will have thousands of bottles of water on hand in Las Vegas to offer to people in line and to those already inside the security perimeter. It will put up tents around the park so that people can get out of the su and there will be at least one tent with air conditioning, the report states. 'Campaign staff will set up a number of misting fans to help cool the attendees.'"

I honestly don't know if that will be enough. Many Trump supporters are older and/or in not great health, which makes them more susceptible to heat illness. The stress of standing outside in hot June sun for even a short time can be dangerous for those who aren't super in shape. 

Trump certainly has the right to campaign, just like any other candidate, but his campaign should figure out ways to keep attendees safe. Every major event should consider weather contingencies and be ready to deal with the consequences that weather brings. 

To their credit, the Trump campaign abruptly cancelled an April  North Carolina rally just before it was to begin because a dangerous lightning storm was approaching. That was absolutely the right call. 

Heat is as dangerous as lightning, more so, really, if you look at the statistics.  On average, heat kills more Americans annually than any other weather extreme, including flooding, tornadoes and hurricanes.

 An outdoor rally attracting thousands of people during a major heat wave does not seem like a smart idea. I would have found a large, air conditioned indoor venue for this event. 


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