Tuesday, June 25, 2024

While Nation Bakes And Floods, We Will Stay On The Cool Side Here In Vermont. Mostly, Anyway

Now that the oppressive heat and the threat of dangerous
thunderstorms is gone in Vermont in favor of generally'
nice weather, our "outdoor living room" in 
St. Albans, Vermont is ready for our enjoyment. 
 After that heat wave earlier this month and a very humid weekend, we're now in a regime where we watch everybody else bake from the sidelines.  

While we were dealing with severe thunderstorms Sunday, the heat lingered along the East Coast.  Over the weekend, Baltimore reached 101 degrees. Washington DC was close behind at 100.

That heat waned on Monday at least to an extent. But a brief new surge of heat is coming up the coast today and tomorrow, but will get cut off at the pass but cold fronts before it can really plow into northern New England. 

After that, the intense heat will shift to the middle of the nation and the Southeast where the infamous heat dome will set up residence for awhile.  I'd say at least a quarter of the nation would be in the dangerous heat zone during this time.

Meanwhile, vicious storms keep hitting the Upper Midwest with high winds and especially flooding. 

For us up here in Vermont, expect generally a nice refreshing break from steamy summer weather, at least on most days for the next week or more.

Today and Wednesday will be warm with a fair amount of sun, but not ridiculously so with highs in the upper 70s to mid 80s, depending on where you are.

The only real risk we need to watch for is locally heavy rains Wednesday night. We had some flash flooding in sections of northern Vermont Sunday, so this area in particular is sensitive to more downpours. The risk of renewed flooding Wednesday night is low, but not zero. 

The cold fronts Wednesday night will bring us delightfully cool and dry and sunny weather tentatively scheduled to begin Thursday afternoon and going well into Friday, when temperatures will only make it into 70s.

Another squirt of humid weather looks like it will try to make a run at us Saturday before more friendly (and smoke-free!) cold fronts blow through New England by Sunday..

As is pretty much always the case, I'm getting mixed messages from long range forecasts going through Fourth of July week, but the odds of more cold fronts to keep the heat at bay look at least not bad heading into July.

Time will tell whether I'm proven right or not. 

With every cold front passage this time of year, you have to look at the possibility of severe storms, but you don't know whether there's much of a risk until at least a couple days before these otherwise friendly cold fronts hit.  

The weather fronts later Wednesday and Wednesday look pretty safe for us, as severe weather looks like it'll pass by mostly to our south.  We'll get some rain out of it, and maybe some garden style thunder, but nothing really excessive. 

It's a little soon to think about any severe weather with Saturday's fronts, or any that come through after that. 

For now anyway, in a summer of extreme weather, and after a tangle with dangerous heat and dangerous thunderstorms, Vermont has re-entered the safe zone.  At least for awhile.   

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