Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Vermont Skies Go From Gorgeous To Glum. New Brand Of Gorgeous Coming, Then HOT??

A gloomy evening in St. Albans, Vermont. A pause in the
color in the gardens this time of year prevented much
in the way of color to break up the blah, but very
green landscape after all the rain we've had. 
Those spectacular, dramatic scattered thunderstorm skies from Sunday transitioned to a dull boring overcast Monday, fitting for the first day of the work week. 

That pesky e upper level low - the cold pool of air over New England and southeastern Canada -  continues to overstay its welcome.

It's moved on to the northeast of us by Monday, putting us  on the west side of this thing. That position tends to put us in a dull overcast instead of the roiling clouds with dark and white shades and shafts of sunlight and blue sky.

So yeah, it was chilly, compared to what we're used to. Highs only made it into the upper 50s to low 60s, except a little warmer in southeast Vermont where a little sun broke through. 

I checked, and we were far from any records for coldest daytime highs for June 10.  

On June 10, 1972, the high temperature in Burlington made it only to a remarkably nippy high of 48 degrees.  November in June that year must have been incredibly depressing. 

Monday's weather did kind of put me in a strange autumnal mood. The gardens are still ramping up for the season. so I'm normally frantically trying to build up and maintain all those plants.

Under the dark overcast Monday evening, I almost felt like I should start fall cleanup. That mood won't last, as we'll get right back into late spring, and then summer in short order.  


It'll be a slow process at first, but our now-annoying upper level low is slowly drifting away and decaying. 

The rain is largely over, aside from a chance of some light showers over the mountains. Some places, especially in northern Vermont had more than their share of rain in recent days. Through yesterday morning about four inches of rain fell in four days at my place in St. Albans. 

Today will be better than Monday, though there still should be quite a few clouds around. At least we'll have some brighter intervals this afternoon so temperatures should get into the 65 to 72 degree range. Still cool for mid-June but nothing all that weird. 

It gets better tomorrow, as more sunshine boosts temperatures well into the 70s, maybe near 80. The sky won't feature the dramatic clouds we saw Sunday, but it should be gorgeous nonetheless. 

The overall weather pattern is still showing strong signs of becoming a hot one. 

The first attempt at oppressive heat will kind of get cut off at the pass. A surge of warm, humid air will start to come in Thursday, bringing temperatures into the 80s. 

A cold front by Friday will cut that short. It's unclear how many showers will come along with that. That cold front will bring in a fresh Canadian high pressure system with comfortable air and sunshine for the weekend. 

Things could still change, but all signs are pointing toward very humid and hot weather next week. We could get a few days reaching the 90s. Humidity will be stifling, too. 

Not sure yet if we'll be on the edge of this heat wave or in the midst of it. If we're on the edge, we can expect a fair number of thunderstorms next week, too. If not, just hot and humid with not much in the way of rain. Stay tuned on that one!


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